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OUR Works
Shelagh Powers Johnson
By Shelagh Powers Johnson / Fiction / In her more brutal moments, Maeve would say that the wrong child had survived: when the...
Jordan Nishkian
Cooped Up
By Jordan Nishkian / Flash / “I have a plan to get the new hen to start laying eggs,” Eddie said, interrupting Ada’s assigned reading...
Iris Harris
Matching My Reflection
By Iris Harris / Flash / Terrance stands in front of the mirror, averting his eye from the disdainful reflection of four decades. Long,...
Tighe Flatley
How I Learned Victoria's Secret
By Tighe Flatley / Nonfiction / Close your eyes. Think of a Victoria’s Secret store: the hip-hop–infused pop music squeezing...
Sara Femenella
Never Again without a Sense of Déjà Vu
By Sara Femenella / Poetry / In an Uber through the valley of the blackest Birds, my mouth tastes like someone else’s ...
Molly Pershin Raynor
By Molly Pershin Raynor / Second Place, 2024 Plentitudes Prize in Poetry /
Emily Withnall
The Myth of the Perfect Victim
By Emily Withnall / Second Place, 2024 Plentitudes Prize in Nonfiction / He’d start fights with me on the rare occasions I tried to leave...
Mary Angelino
Married Men of Classic Film
By Mary Angelino / Poetry / Opening shot: the ingénue notices how they appreciate beauty— the high-backed chair at the office, leather...
Veronica Wasson
By Veronica Wasson / Fiction / I was born for something else. Or so I thought. Open the heart. I waited on the platform. The yellow...
Caio Major
Transition Philistine
By Caio Major / Nonfiction / Riding in the passenger seat of my first boyfriend’s truck, either shortly before or shortly after we made...
Emma Bolden
the eleusinian mysteries
By Emma Bolden / Poetry / the problem with daughters is they must also be people & the problem with people is some must also be daughters...
Halsey Hyer
Please Share This.
By Halsey Hyer / Poetry / Due to the abuse I've endured from [redacted] over the past two years I won’t be the same again. Please share...
Caio Major
10 Things to Know About Living Through Psychosis
By Caio Major / Nonfiction / 1. What It’s Like About a month ago (or maybe six weeks ago, I’m not sure, time has been acting funny...
Joseph Byrd
A short history of my personal eclipse
By Joseph Byrd / Poetry / Half seeing is whole seeing, if being clear is the ultimate opacity. Once I had the audacity to be found...
Ed Davis
By Ed Davis / Fiction / Marla hadn’t been home five minutes before the doorbell rang. Shit. She’d’ve ignored it except she was expecting...
LaRita Dixon
Black Woman
By LaRita Dixon / Poetry / I remember the day I discovered that I was a black woman I had looked into mirrors all my life And I had seen...
Jack Cooper
Sweet & Pure, Warm & Tender, Young & Beautiful
by Jack Cooper / Nonfiction / The chronological sorting of memories is an interesting challenge. My time then is distant and blurry,...
James Callan
Eyes on the Prize
by James Callan / Fiction / I saw her in a crowd. She? Maybe not. The sex sat right upon the edge, indeterminate. One angle revealed a...
Terry Connell
Mister C.
by Terry Connell / Nonfiction / Three years after breaking up with Shelly, and only two weeks from finishing my student teaching, I found...
Jeanne Althouse
Toccata and Fugue
by Jeanne Althouse / Nonfiction / At the coffee shop where he took me afterwards, he played the Bach Toccata and Fugue in D minor on my...
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