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OUR Works

Sarah Bradley
By Sarah Bradley / Fiction / She found the place without too much trouble, though she wouldn’t have known this was Chinatown if Charlie...

Sherry Shahan
SAD (Seasonal Affect Disorder)
By Sherry Shahan / Poetry / the calendar’s voice is dark / even brine salt is gray / an endless hourglass / gray goes black / it...

Mark Martin
By Mark Martin / Fiction / The four of them—two adults and two children—languished in a parked car held immobile by the rain. The weather...

Kenny C H Yu
My/sOUR Room
By Kenny C. H. Yu / Nonfiction / My wine room—or writing room, or just a room—was located in an old industrial building. There was a...

Frederick Pollack
Quantum Island
By Frederick Pollack / Poetry / We have reached the smallest place. The crew doesn’t understand my plan, my map— they think some...

William Luvaas
A Cluttered Brain
By William Luvaas / Nonfiction / We all harbor multiple selves. Freud recognized this in his Id, ego, superego paradigm: unbridled...

Russ López
Eurydice at the Medianoche Saloon
By Russ López / Fiction / Even before Orpheus’s band was hired to play at the Medianoche Saloon, the dance club was packed. The crowds...

Caio Major
Transition Philistine
By Caio Major / Nonfiction / Riding in the passenger seat of my first boyfriend’s truck, either shortly before or shortly after we made...

Emma Bolden
the eleusinian mysteries
By Emma Bolden / Poetry / the problem with daughters is they must also be people & the problem with people is some must also be daughters...
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