/ Poetry /
the calendar’s voice is dark / even brine salt is gray / an endless hourglass / gray goes black / it
still surprises me / sneaks up on me / Time to turn the clocks back! / restlessness creeps in on a
drunken moon / my vinyl blinds won’t lie flat / the grimy strings, a midnight noose / who
makes up names for all the babies anyway?
i trip on an extension cord / sink into every stain / a million exclamation points pierce my skin /
feelings bleed out / my pills run out / i string despondent bras over a mirror / crawl into an
empty space / swallow an invisible blanket / wait for mermaids to sing
i’m not thinking a damn thing / but go mad when my rind splits open / ornaments of a broken
life / i count backwards / wait for the moon to sober up / even the clock won’t talk to me / can
a lizard grow back from a single cell?
i remember floating on the beach under rays of light / a lover’s hand in my pocket melting
loneliness / when i looked good photographed naked / when i remembered my name / the
sun must be a lonely star
i’m out of wine again retreat resign resolve escape in my nightie to kiss the
cold sidewalk open my mouth like a goldfish waiting to be found.